Thanksgiving and Unity for the World

Happiest of Gobbler Yumyum day to everyone. We are so grateful for the love, care, compassion, friendship and support you have given us over the years. We love each and every one of you and hope that you are grateful for us being in your lives and are thankful for everything we have in this world, spiritually, emotionally, experientially. 

These are tough times for many around the world, INCLUDING those in our local, state, nationwide and global communities. Look at the word even....COMM-UNITY. You probably know someone personally that is struggling. Familial struggles, emotional struggles, spiritual struggles, financial struggles, moral struggles. Reach out and tell them you love them and that they're not alone and it'll be okay and that we're all in this together.  If we all send love out like a boomerang, we'll all get love back and it will touch those that need it most along the way. 

Here is a way to or text that person that you feel you're on the outs with, for whatever reason. 

It all starts with the act of giving. Even if you feel like you don't have anything to give, you can always give love. Giving freely without the expectation of receiving anything in return is true love.

It all starts with LOVE. I am thankful I can always give the gift of love.



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