Back to Austin for a Month or so

 Soooo, many of yall have asked why we are back in Austin from Mexico. Well, a few things changed that I'd like to share:

1)  We had already planned on coming back in November for an event we are attending with friends at Universal Studios Orlando this weekend...AND we might as well go to Disneyworld too while we are there. Will be there for the next week. Insta updates and posts coming soon!!

2) Upon entering Mexico, they accidentally gave too short of a visa, so we HAD to come back almost 3 weeks earlier than we originally planned because we didn't want to a) overstay our visa and pay a hefty fine but most importantly b) have a "permanent mark on our Mexico record" (yes, that's a thing). When we entered Mexico in late July the immigration officer asked me in Spanish how long were were going to be in Mexico and in my infant Spanish I said " Tres meses, mas o menos", meaning: Three months more or less. Evidently he meant how long exactly instead of generally and gave us only 90 days instead of the standard 180. They have been doing this lately we hear, so be careful when you enter a country and verify you are getting at least the length of visa as your return ticket. Well, you live and learn. All good. 

3) After this round we decided to do a format of 3 months abroad and 1 month here in Austin for the remainder of the journey. Its nice to check back in from time to time with home base and friends and dog, etc. So, we leave for Guatemala on Dec 10th and come back early March

4) We Love you!! Thanks so much for following and all the support. We cant wait to get back down there, beginning in Guatemala, then Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Muah!


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