Santiago de Queretaro and San Miguel de Allende


Suuuuup Fraaaanz!! How ya? We have been just GRRRRREAT!!! Here is an update: 

Oh, I have been updating more frequently (almost daily) on my Instagram. Check it out: @sirjackson_esq

After such an amazing adventure taking the hot air balloon over Teotihuacan, we saw the ruins from the ground, then headed to Santiago de Queretaro that evening. We love this town and lived walking distance from anywhere we wanted to go, views of the city, street food, museums. We loved that we seemed to be the only of of country traveler/tourists there. Everyone was so welcome and friendly. So much history in Queretaro too. A few times it was the capital of Mexico, its an UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the "cradles" of Mexican independence! 

Next stop was San Miguel de Allende and I have some interesting perspective from when I lived there for two weeks in 2000 and now, 23 years later....woah!!! Such a beautiful city, but has it changed. The buildings look about the same, but soooo many ex-pats (expatriates.....basically Americans and Europeans that have moved there). Very safe and the food, though pricey is excellent. One place we loved was going was Orquidea Thai Restaurant San Miguel, not only because a break from Mexican food is nice, but because I know the owner, Nina. Thanks Morgan Scholl for connecting us!! Such good and NOT that expensive like many places in SMA. All in all, San Miguel really is an amazing place with an excellent Spanish school (i took 2 days of classes), safe streets, beautiful architecture, world class restaurants and spectacular views, but we definitely felt like just another tourist out on the streets. Now, where we lived was another story.....

WOW!! When our friend, Demian Vazquez offered his family's place to us when he heard we were going, we had no idea how absolutely BREATHTAKING it was. I mean the view from the primary bedroom terrace alone is world class. When we arrived, the helper had made us Pozole (my fav in Mexico) and bought like 38 tallboy Victoria beers for me to enjoy by the pool. Drink Much?! What a magical place, thanks again buddy. I did a YO, MTV Cribs on Insta. Check it out. Shows the whole house. 

Photos and videos are of Queretaro 1st and then San Miguel next. 

On to our next stop Huasteca Potosina...Waterfalls for DAYS!!

San Miguel:


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