Hello Blogworld!!!


Hello Blogworld!! Anna and I are embarking on a Grand Adventure we are calling "Trip to the Tip."

First off, I have been reluctant to post our travels, as we still have a pending lawsuit from our near-death accident 2.5 years ago, but our attorneys have given us the clear to "live our lives." Neither of us have fully recovered and are both still in Physical Therapy, but we are thankful for every moment we have together and with our friends and family in this beautiful, amazing and strange galaxy. 

But, most importantly, I'd like to give my unending love and gratitude to the most incredible woman I have ever known, Amazing Anna. Thank you for your unending true love, support, patience, kindness and care for over 11 years (5 married, yyyyeay). I and we would not be as put together, happy, healthy and humble today. Every day that you encapsulate me with  love in our growing and adventurous two-some.  From the depths of my soul. I love you forever.

Secondly, you might have noticed that I don't post much about Real Estate, though I've been very active and fortunate to have such wonderful clients in this crazy city. I'll have 10 years under my belt soon and have been gaining knowledge, experience and developing my craft (and sales) every year. So thank you sooooo much to my friends first and clients second who have trusted me with such an important decision in your lives. You know who you are. More RE posts to come soon!!

Soooo, yes!! We are going on a year long adventure to the Tip of South America, starting August to Mexico for 3 months. I'll be updating our adventure here and on Da Gram @sirjackson_esq. More to come soon! 


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