Huasteca Potosina AKA waterfalls galore!!!


The next area we explored is known as Huasteca Potosina...AKA... waterfalls galore!!! Generally, when adventuring in this region, the best base is Ciudad Valles, which has lots of tour companies available, though we decided to be our own tour guide.

Part 1

On the way in to the region, we stopped at the wonderful swimming spot Media Luna. Being fed by a pure fresh water spring, it gracefully branches out in coves and streams. The color and temperature of the water is dreamy and the location has suprisingly nice facilities and food options. There are so many swimming nooks, we wanted to try them all and had a relaxing yet invigorating time.

With the 4 days in our little rental car, we decided on just three of almost countless recommended waterfall destinations. Tamul, Tamasopo and Casacada de Micos, are all quite unique and varying distances from Ciudad Valles.

Our 1st adventure took us to Casacadas de Micos, where the main attraction is following the river down increasingly higher waterfalls to jump off to the pool below, the highest being over 9 meters (yes 30 feet). I am proud to report that we both jumped them ALL!! The main area is well appointed with food and views of the large waterfall with plenty to do aside from the guided jumping. It was our second favorite of the three waterfall locations. I am especially proud of Anna for that 30 foot leap of faith!

Our 2nd excursion took us to Tamul for a quite a different experience. This waterfall looks EPIC in photos and is the tallest in the state, but you have to work a bit to get there. Boats of 12-16 fill up with people of all skills and rudimentary wooden paddles, then begin the arduous FOUR HOUR round trip journey. It was soon clear that not only was our equipment not optimal, but most of the people in our leaking wooden lancha had either never used a paddle before or didn't care to use them properly. Let's just say it was a great day for a workout!! The trip was beautiful through deep craggy canyons, but the payoff was a bit lackluster. The boats bottlenecked at a large Rock considerably far from the actual waterfall in the captains didn't let you go past so we should have had to wait for everyone to get there one photo on the rock with the waterfall behind. Our boat took a vote and democratically decided to not wait to get the insta pictures and turned around. Anna and I were disappointed after all that work, to not even get the photo opp, haha. But, that's okay it was easier on the way back, going with the stream and we got to stop at a cave cenote for snacks recharge. We wouldn't necessarily recommend going to this waterfall on the weekend is it can get quite busy and there are other amazing places aside. Though this was our least favorite place, we had a blast splashing other boats as you pass them with large containers made for that reason. See the slow mo videos I made of some of our battles.

Or 3rd waterfall and favorite was almost more of a natural waterpark with so many activities and sights, it was hard to know if we had done even half by the time we left. Tamasopo was the best for so many reasons. The infrastructure and amenities were almost like being at Schlitterbahn!! Many tables and hammocks dotted the river for large and small groups. Bars, restaurants, strength/jungle gym type activities, huge rope swings and platforms to jump off to name a few. Every moment was jam packed and to top it off, the lunch offering was excellent and well priced ($4 usd). 

Stay tuned for part 2 coming soon....we go to an out of this world surrealist sculpture garden and the natural wonderous hole in the ground that is so incomprehensibly deep and wide, it boggles the mind.


Media Luna:




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