
Showing posts from October, 2023

Real de Catorce, cutest little hidden city!!

Real de Catorce (Royalty of 14) is sort of an enigma. Supposedly named after the 14 Spanish soldiers killed by an ambush by the indigenous population. It is now considered a ghost town with a population less than 1000, but at one time was one of the most prolific silver mines in the world, with some still operating to date. We rented a car to make the 2.5 hr journey from San Luis Potosi. Twas a simple ride that included a 20 or so mile ride on a inclining cobble stone road from the highway to the town nestled in the mountains. The most intriguing and startling part of entering the city is the 2.4km one-way alternating tunnel that is the ONLY way in and out of the town by car. Check the sped up video I made of us entering. It's definitely becoming more of a tourist hot spot with some artist built instagrammy locations, but pretty cool nonetheless. Probably our favorite part of the town was the host we stayed with. Most of this trip has been through Airbnb and every now and then we g

The Wonderful Huasteca Potosina part 2 and Las Pozas

Our last two stops in the area were Las Posas, near Xilitla and Sotano De Las Huahuas (Basement of the Birds). This was a difficult day, mainly due to the heat, the humidity and hiking for farther and longer than either of us expected. The pay off was just barely worth it though at both sites. Las Posas is an interdimensional portal of sorts and fascinating to say the least. We really didn't know what to expect from the social media pictures and website which really make it look awesome. There is definitely a tourist vibe on the main street leading up to the house that serves as the entrance to the 80 acre sculpture garden, but the wares and vendors were a welcomed part of the experience. It was built by the surrealist Edward James in the 60s creating a fusion between the organic and the artificial, between the jungle and concrete, which merges the two worlds into one. Supposedly after he acquired the land he had planted thousands of orchids that had died because of a frost the nex