
We climbed the highest volcano in El Salvador...Santa Ana

  Within your mind lies the biggest challenge.  Dream it, Think it, Plan it, Do it. - Blake Jackson I am soooo proud of my amazing wife, Amazing Anna. Its been tough since the accident getting our strength and confidence back, but we climbed Santa Ana, the highest volcano in El Salvador!!! It wasn't easy and our legs were HURTING, and it took a few days to recover, but we did it. And yes, most of the videos are me breathing hard!! Haha

Antigua, Antigua, Antigua

  Wow, just WOW.  Antigua Guatemala is such an amazing place and I'm seeing it on quite a few lists for Digital Nomads. Less than an hour west of Guatemala City and 1.5 hours west of Lake Atitlan, it has so many activities, shops, cafes, vibrant people, expats and thrill seekers. We spent NYE there with new and old friends in a beautiful house in the city center. Amazing activities included were: 1) Stepping into the world of Lord of the Rings at Hobbitenango 2) Eating a pizza cooked in the heat and at the top of Volcan Pacaya!! 3) Eating some of the best Texas BBQ at Pappy's…in Antigua (10 patty burger) 4) Blasting off SO MANY fireworks at the stroke of midnight 2023 5) Seeing ancient skeletons in multiple crypts. Our two good friends Adam and John came to hang with us for NYE and long with a new friends we met in Xela a week earlier.  It was so great having friends there to celebrate with us and experience Antigua, sunsets, amazing food and good laughs. There is a hill just o

The first 3 weeks of Guatemala, San Marcos, Xela, and Guatemala City

Happy Holidays and Prospero Ano Nuevo to everyone. Its been a bit since my last post, so going to cover considerable ground here, even including an outline for those who want brevity! *) Hilarious Caricature 1) Where are we now 2) Handling House and Dog in Austin 3) Update on last 3 weeks 4) General Itinerary for next few months 5) Come join us!! *) We had this caricature done a few days ago and though the resemblance was uncanny (haha), I didn't realize we were in alternate universe mode where my name is Dake. I spelled it for the guy a few times, but when he turned it around for the reveal, we thought it was so funny, we didn't correct it. These are the moments in life and love and travel that we live for.  1) We are currently in Guatemala and will be spending NYE in Antigua, a wonderful colonial town known for its welcoming people, architecture, Spanish schools, volcanoes and ex-pats! Some friends are joining us and we are so excited to hang with them the next few days. Post